Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Update in textures, focus.

So after some discussion with the professor, Matt brought up the fact that he would rather have this map be a Death Match map instead of a capture the flag map. The reason is that, in a CTF map, players stick to specific routes and focus on getting the flags. In a DM map, players move freely around the environment. This allows for exploration of the level and then players get to see, or at least walk around all the assets and work we put into the level. So officially, this has become entirely about looks, which means we need great textures and a whole damn lot of excellent set dressing. And speaking of textures, here are some more.

1 comment:

  1. Excelente seleccion!!!
    todas tus samples se ven de pocamadre.
    yo creo que vas por buien camino dude!
